read more about our featured speakers on the speaker page.
A note about breakouts and connection
The first breakout session is at 9:30 am, during the normal Connection time. In many cases, Connection Groups will host conference-related breakouts featuring their own teachers. Other Connection Groups will welcome guest speakers, some will combine with other groups, and some leaders will invite their groups to attend the breakout of their choice. Regardless of which Connection Group you normally attend, everyone is welcome to choose a breakout from the list.
Please check with your Connection Group leader for more information about which breakout your Connection Group may be attending.
traditional service • 8:30 am
The Perfect World
God created things perfectly, but sin entered so quickly and morphed it into what we have today. It’ll be made perfect again when He returns, not before. This session will frame how we deal with the imperfect world we live in today.
Keynote 1 • 11 am
The Perfect Man
In this session, we’ll look at the life of Jesus—how He identified, how He walked in obedience to the Father and not in the grips of any human passion.
Keynote 2 • 2:15 pm
John Meador, Katie McCoy, Ricky Chelette
panel discussion
Join us for a panel discussion about gender issues, the church, and our response.
9:30 am featured breakout sessions
Additional 9:30 am breakout sessions
Seeing The Signs
(mental health / suicide awareness)
Dr. Barris Ayers
Room 375
Cultivating a Healthy Self-Image
Tara O’Shields
Room 381 • Women
Jimmy Draper
Fellowship Hall
In his image: seeing ourselves through his eyes
Randy and Elizabeth Draper
Room 292
How To Bless and Have Faith Conversations with your grandkids
Dianna Booher and Vernon Rae
Room 251
our identity in christ
Len Robertson
Room 287
Serving the Kingdom as a Senior Woman
Ted & Sheree Ulmer
Room 185
Standing Strong on Biblical Morality with your Family and in Public
Mark Moore
Room 188
George Gomez
Room 380
Transgenderism and God’s Plan for Males and Females
Tim Taylor
Room 259
What about transgenderism?
Brian Phelps
Room 253
Who We Are in christ
Frances Woolf
Rooms 378-379
Your identity as a leader
Dr. Frank Banfill
Room 365
1:00 pm BREAKOUT sessions
how sacred singleness is culturally revolutionary
Fellowship Hall • Singles
Identity in Christ vs. Identity Crisis
Carlos Montoya
The City • Students and Parents